When it comes to wood slab tables, we’ve created just about every shape, size and style for our Rochester and Syracuse, NY clients. One of the questions we get asked quite frequently regards slab table size. When dealing with solid wood slabs, you really can design just about anything.
So in this article, we wanted to focus on sizing your slab table and explain a little bit about our overall process.

Often our customers will start at our mill site to kick off their slab table project. Because we have millions of board feet, we really can let you choose your “tree” and from there create the perfect solid wood piece.
How Much Are Slab Tables in Syracuse
The cost of your wood slab dining or kitchen table is really going to vary. We take a number of factors into consideration, size of course being one of them. There’s also the type of wood slab to consider, the design of the base as well as the thickness of the slab used. We would love to discuss your Syracuse NY table project-- call or stop by today!